About the Conference:
Building on the Enhanced Community Care Conference 2022 & 2023, which brought together colleagues from across primary, community and acute care to share learnings, clinical expertise and insights, in 2024 the focus is on the transformational reform programmes across the Health Service Executive.
Taking place on Thursday, 5 September in Convention Centre Dublin, this conference focuses on advancing health service reform while emphasising the ongoing transition to HSE Health Regions. Speakers from across the Health Service Executive, and Department of Health will share insights during both the plenary and breakout sessions.
Poster presentations focused on the theme of ‘access and integration’ will be available to view.
Once your attendance is confirmed, you will be given the opportunity to customise your experience by choosing breakout sessions that match your interests.
What to Expect:
Registration begins at 8:30 am, followed by the conference at 9:30 am in the main plenary room. Attendees can enjoy refreshments on arrival, early attendance advised for registration, completing CPD, poster viewing and networking with colleagues. The morning session includes opening addresses, and panel discussions from the Health Service Executive and Department of Health. Breakout sessions occur in the morning and afternoon, with lunch in the main plenary rooms. Lunch provides a further opportunity for you to network with colleagues and view poster presentations. The day concludes with a closing address summarising key clinical leadership insights.
Agenda Overview
Welcome & Introduction: 9:30 - 9:40am (Liffey A)
Sean O'Rourke MC
Opening Address: 9:40 - 10:00am
Bernard Gloster, CEO
Advancing Health service Reform: A conversation with the Minister for Health: 10:00 - 10:30am
Stephen Donnelly, T.D., Minister for Health
HSE Transformation: Our Path to Change: 10:30 - 11:20am
Introduction by Derek Tierney, Department of Health
Panel Discussion with Regional Executive Officers, Sara Long, Tony Canavan, Dr. Andy Phillips, Sandra Broderick, Martina Queally, Kate Killeen White, and Pat Healy, ND National Services.
Coffee Break, Networking & Poster Viewing: 11:20 - 11:50am
Morning Breakout Sessions: 11:50 - 1:10pm
Breakout sessions will run concurrently
Session 1: Health Regions Delivering Integrated Care (Liffey A)
Opening Address by Liam Woods, ND Health Regions Programme
Panel Discussion: Supporting Integrated Care Delivery
Kate Killeen White REO, Dr Andy Phillips REO, Liam Woods (Chair), Dr Pat Nash (Chief Clinical Director, Saolta Hospital Group), Muiris O'Connor (Dept of Health), Dr Shane McKeogh (GP Lead , National Clinical Programme for
Respiratory), Eileen Whelan (Chief Dir of Nursing & Midwifery & Quality, DMHG), Dr Vida Hamilton (Consultant in Anaesthesia & Intensive Care), Ruth Kilcawley (National HSCP Office)
Patient Partner Experience
Anne Lawlor (Chair HSE National Patient & Service User Forum)
Session 2: Beyond the Wait, WLAP in Action: Improving Access and Delivering Reform (Liffey Hall 1)
Opening Address by Sheila McGuinness, Director of Access
Creating a Catalyst for Change, Garry Corbet (CEO, S A Partners)
Panel Discussions: Enablement and Reform
Tony Canavan REO, Prof. Eamonn Rogers MCP, Stuart Garrett (Access Lead), Jean Boyle & Carrie Fletcher (Galway University Hospital),
Dr Tomás Griffin (ECC), Aileen Igoe (Lean & Systems Redesign Lead)
Session 3: Enhanced Community Care (ECC) Programme (Liffey Hall 2)
Opening Address by Pat Healy, ND National Services
Panel Discussion: Impact and Outcomes of the ECC Model
Martina Queally (REO), Pat Healy, Dr Sarah O’Brien, Dr David Hanlon, Dr Emer Ahern (NCAGLs for Chronic Disease, Primary Care, and Older People)
Case Study: Community Specialist Team Chronic Disease, Cuan Aoibheann
Johanna Callaghan (ANP), Barbara Parlon (ANP)
Case Study: Cardiology Waiting Lists, Galway University Hospital
Dr Susan Connolly (Consultant Cardiologist)
Lunch : 1:10 - 2:10pm
Poster Award Ceremony - CEO, Bernard Gloster
Afternoon Breakout Sessions: 2:10 - 3:35pm
Breakout sessions will run concurrently
Session 4: Disability Services (Liffey Hall 1)
Opening Address by David Walsh, ND, Community Operations and Derval McDonald CEO, Inclusion Ireland
Panel Discussion: Reform of Disability Services
Kate Killeen White (REO), Colm Ó’Conaill (DCEDIY), David Walsh, Derval McDonagh, Jacqui Browne (Disabled Persons Organisations Network)
Case Study
Joe O'Keefe (Service User)
Session 5: Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) (Liffey Hall 2)
Opening Address by Dr Michael O’ Connor (NCAGL, Acute)
Presentation Ben O’Sullivan (GM, University Hospital Waterford)
Panel Discussion
Tony Canavan (REO), Ben O’Sullivan, Ian Carter (RCSI Hospital Group), Dr Emer Ahern (NCAGL Older People), Dr Michael O’Connor, Dr Anthony Cullen (University Hospital Waterford)
Case Study: Mobile Medical Diagnostics
Session 6: Digital - Enabling Integrated Care (Liffey A)
Opening Address by Damien McCallion, Chief Technology and Transformation Officer
Panel Discussion: Digital Transformation to Support Service Delivery
Derek Tierney (Department of Health), Sarah Long (REO), Damien McCallion (CTTO), Prof. Richard Greene (CCIO), Paul Griffin (Change Lead, NRH)
Session 7: General Practice (Liffey Meeting Room)
Opening Address by Pat Healy, ND National Services
Panel Discussion: Future of General Practice
Sandra Broderick (REO), Niall Redmond (Department of Health), Pat Healy, Dr David Hanlon (NCAGL, Primary Care), Dr Madeleine Ní Dhálaigh (GP), Dr Diarmuid Quinlan (GP)
Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Programme in General Practice
Dr. Orlaith O’Reilly
Case Study - Liam Griffin Service User
Closing Address: Learnings and Next Steps: 3:40 - 3:55pm (Liffey A)
Continuous Professional Development (CPD):
CPD is an integral component in the continuing provision of safe and effective services. The conference provides you with the opportunity to improve your knowledge, skills and competence. You can apply for CPD points to your relevant regulatory body. Pre-approval has been applied for where required.
Hear what others have to say:
“There was great effort made by the speakers with their the in-depth presentations. The real life examples demonstrated by many was excellent.” - ECC Conference 2023 Attendee
“Hearing about the initiatives being piloted in different parts of the country, and looking at the poster presentations which also highlighted exciting new developments” - ECC Conference 2023 Attendee
“The event exceeded my expectations and I found the different speakers engaging.” - ECC Conference 2023 Attendee